Zombie Land could the be greatest movie in the history of everything ever

Come on! How can you not love this cheese?

Source: IGN

Official site of Zombieland here

First picture of Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

Ok I’m trying my best to stay calm. 10, 9, 8, ….ok. Ok the first pictures of my precious Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow (one of my favorite Marvel Femme Fatales) were released today.

Uh….I think “OH MY DEAR LORD! About covers it. I mean really this is just….wow.

It also turns out that Mickey Rouke has been given a lot of free reign with his character and Robert Downey Jr said….

OH MY DEAR LORD! Look at her! Ok sorry everyone just read the story here and let me know what you think about it. I need to go take a shower. Not to cool down mind you but to clean up.


Two more reasons not to see GI Joe

Paramount just released two more spots for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, coming to theaters on August 7. The film will focus on...what the hell? Who am I kidding? No cares about this movie! Well yeah I suppose there are a few people (maybe 7) that do care but those people don't care about a plot. Plots are so distracting with all the talking and stuff. Let's just watch stuff blow up.


But hey if you still want to see the two new spots check them out here and here.


By the way I was going to just embed the vids but apparently they don't want the trailers to "get out" because let's face it, the more people that see the trailers the less people that will show up to see it.

Harry Potter breaks midnight record

Variety reported that Harry Potter The Half-Blood Prince had a big midnight opening. So big in fact that it done broke record. Welllll doggie.
In a massive start, Warner Bros.’ “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” easily scored the biggest midnight gross of all-time in earning $22.2 million as it unspooled in 3,003 runs at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday.

That figure beats the $18 million earned in midnight runs by Warners’ very own “The Dark Knight” and the $17 million earned by 20th Century Fox’s “Star Wars: Episode III —Revenge of the Sith.”

“Half-Blood Prince” opens in the same Wednesday slot that “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” did in 2007. “Order of the Phoenix” grossed $12 million in midnight runs on its way to a $139.7 million five-day debut.

I have no idea why I was just talking like Jed Clampett.

Alice in Wonderland Stills

The good folks at Empire posted production stills of the upcoming Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton. The pics don't look half bad but I'm more excited about Burton's upcoming animated flick 9 than I am this. Of course that maybe due to the fact that if I see Johnny Depp star in another Burton film there is a very good chance I will cry. Like a baby. For at least 8 minutes.

Oh yeah click here to see all the pics over at Empire.

Transformers 2 breaks 700 million - shakes head

Moron Michael Bay's Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (oooo scary) broke 700 million this week according to comingsoon.net.
Dropping two spots to third, Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen earned another $24.2 million in its third weekend for a domestic total of $339.2 million. The sequel has passed the $319 million total of 2007's Transformers and is easily the No. 1 movie of the year domestically so far. Internationally, the Paramount/DreamWorks release has reached $364.5 million, just $24.5 million shy of the original's entire overseas gross. "Revenge of the Fallen" surpassed the $700 million mark and now stands at $703.7 million. The first Transformers earned $708.3 million worldwide.
You know what really sucks? Five dollars of that is mine. I ended up going to see it with a friend. I equate it to watching open heart surgery on the Discovery channel. You don't want to see it. You know you won't like it. But you still watch it so you can tell everyone how bad it was. That's how I would describe Transformers 2, which just broke 700 million. 700 million! Frikkin' moron Michael Bay! WTF!

In a related story I'm going to splurge today and eat at Chick-Fli-A. Ha! Who's the moron now!

Mel Gibson will be in Jodie Foster's Beaver *snicker*

According to Variety Jodie Foster will be directing Mel Gibson in a movie called The Beaver.

Mel Gibson will star in "The Beaver" for director Jodie Foster.

The script, written by Kyle Killen, topped the Blacklist in December.

Gibson will play a depressed man who finds solace in wearing a beaver hand-puppet. On top of helming, Foster will play the role of the man’s wife.

If only I had a nickel for everytime I pretended my had was a beaver when I was feeling down.

Uh...wait. I mean...no that's what I meant actually.
