Its official Scarlett Johansson has awesome boobs

To me this was no big surprise but Access Hollywood made it official today announcing that Scarlett Johansson has the best celebrity breasts. This leads me to wonder if there is someone out there with better boobs who isn't a celebrity? Hmm. You know I just don't think there is but I will do my best to find out.

If my wife says it's ok.

Oh and by the way here is the top five on the beautiful, bodacious, bouncing boobie list.

1. Scarlett Johansson
2. Salma Hayek
3. Halle Berry
4. Jessica Simpson
5. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Ok ok. Quick question why is Salma Hayek number 2? Better yet why is she even on the list? Isn't she like 60 now or something? Plus it's hard for me to even notice her boobs since she has a mustache for eyebrows.


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