Final Transformers Trailer? Maybe

Yahoo has the new and possible final trailer for the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I have to say wow it looks great and the plot is air tight. My hat is off to you Mr. Bay.

From what I could gather an 18 year old dufus wants to leave Megan Fox and his personal Transformer, which transforms into a bright yellow sports car mind you, so he can live with another man and attend school. But then a piece of Transformer rock that dufus was carrying drops to the floor which leads him to see the world in some sort of fucked up Matrix kind of way, and while that is happening meteors start raining down to Earth hitting an aircraft carrier. This really pisses Optimus Prime off so he meets up with dufus at his school…

I wish I was making this up. Just watch it if you don’t believe me.


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