Keanu Reeves will play Dr Jekyll...possibly Mr. Hyde

THANK YOU HOLLYWOOD! It has been announced that Keanu Reeves will be starring in a film adaptation of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Godammit! Why do they keep casting "Mr. Whoa" in movies that I wanna see? He fucked up most of the Matrix for me (Ergo the architect scene), ruined Constantine completely (Why didn't they cast Kiefer Sutherland?), and don't even get me started on The Devil's Advocate and The Day the Earth Stood Still.

But now I find out he is going to star in one my all-time favorite stories? Fuck me. Really think about it. Keanu Reeves will be playing an eccentric scientific genius who creates a potion using various form of arcane alchemy that transforms him into a violent, uninhibited brute with near super human abilities whenever he drinks it. Dr. Jekyll is only able to remember bits and pieces of the horrors and debaucheries he had committed in the form of the villainous brute that is later named Mr. Hyde. The good doctor finds himself fearing what he has become yet is drawn to the darkness of his evil alter ego. This story could arguably be the basis and inspiration of other great stories ranging from Werewolves to Fight Club.

Good thing they got a talented actor to deal with such a dramatic and complex role huh?


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