Inglorious Basterds Trailers

Holy shit here are 3 clips from Quentin Taratino's new movie Inglorious Basterds, which features Brad Pitt, Nazis and a misspelling of the word "bastards". I am still staying optimistic about this movie even though it received luke-warm reviews at Cannes and Pitt's accent is borderline ridiculous. I mean afterall it couldn't be worse than Kill Bill. Could it?


July 8, 2009 at 11:34 PM Ashley said...

For once i would love to see a movie where when Brad Pitt is cast.....they MIGHT just dirty him up a tad. Yeah, he is a decent looking guy, married to the hottest thing since the earth's core... but scruff him up a little. But still hope it is a good movie... has me interested at least.

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