In the upcoming film Brothers Tobey Maguire is a soldier who goes off to war and is thought to be killed in action. So his brother played by Jake Gyllenhaal comforts his wife played by Natalie Portman who is currently #6 on my people to do list.
Anyway so while Jake is comforting his brother's wife he also decides to nail her. Hey you gotta give the guy credit. If my brother's wife looked like Natalie Portman I don't think I would wait until he was dead. In fact I would probably do her on the table at Thanksgiving while giving a thumbs up. But I digress.
Anyway everything is going A-OK until it is discovered that soilder boy is not dead. In fact his little bug eyed ass is on his way back home. Needless to say he now known as Captain Cockblock and decides to put a turd in everyone's punch bowl.
Overall the movie really doesn't look that bad. I mean besides the "Portman factor" it also has Gyllenhaal who I have always liked. Face it the dude has a great look, charisma and can frikkin' act.
In a related story his sister blows.
Anyway so while Jake is comforting his brother's wife he also decides to nail her. Hey you gotta give the guy credit. If my brother's wife looked like Natalie Portman I don't think I would wait until he was dead. In fact I would probably do her on the table at Thanksgiving while giving a thumbs up. But I digress.
Anyway everything is going A-OK until it is discovered that soilder boy is not dead. In fact his little bug eyed ass is on his way back home. Needless to say he now known as Captain Cockblock and decides to put a turd in everyone's punch bowl.
Overall the movie really doesn't look that bad. I mean besides the "Portman factor" it also has Gyllenhaal who I have always liked. Face it the dude has a great look, charisma and can frikkin' act.
In a related story his sister blows.
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