Jennifer's Body Poster is Evil

I almost posted this under the title Megan Fox is school girl but even I'm not that much of a whore. Am I?

Anyway above is the poster for the upcoming Megan Fox movie Jennifer’s Body. Meh. I appreciate the effort they are putting into to this, and by effort I mean they are selling the movie based on the hotness of Megan Fox. Plus I am really digging the 80’s vibe of the poster and the movie itself.

Ah, the 80’s were such a decadent and lavish time for horror movies. Every movie had boobs, blood, and bad jokes. *sniff* they just don’t make ‘em like that anymore.

But back to my point this movie looks like it’s giving a wink and nod to cheese fest of the 80’s and that is scores cool points with me. I can’t wait to see it...6 months from now…on Showtime at 1 in the morning.

Thanks to bloodydisgusting


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