Moron Michael Bay's Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (oooo scary) broke 700 million this week according to comingsoon.net.
Dropping two spots to third, Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen earned another $24.2 million in its third weekend for a domestic total of $339.2 million. The sequel has passed the $319 million total of 2007's Transformers and is easily the No. 1 movie of the year domestically so far. Internationally, the Paramount/DreamWorks release has reached $364.5 million, just $24.5 million shy of the original's entire overseas gross. "Revenge of the Fallen" surpassed the $700 million mark and now stands at $703.7 million. The first Transformers earned $708.3 million worldwide.You know what really sucks? Five dollars of that is mine. I ended up going to see it with a friend. I equate it to watching open heart surgery on the Discovery channel. You don't want to see it. You know you won't like it. But you still watch it so you can tell everyone how bad it was. That's how I would describe Transformers 2, which just broke 700 million. 700 million! Frikkin' moron Michael Bay! WTF!
In a related story I'm going to splurge today and eat at Chick-Fli-A. Ha! Who's the moron now!
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