District 9 Trailer...It's Peter Jackson nerds

Yahoo! has a trailer up for the upcoming sci-fi District 9 and I have to admit it looks pretty nifty. Peter Jackson has stamped his name on it although I'm not really sure what he's doing for the film because Neill Blomkamp (who?) is directing it.

The premise is that aliens, the outerspace kind, have all converged to South Africa as refugees. It's pretty obvious they are playing on the premise that people shun whoever (or whatever) is different from their own and that we should try and understand one another blah blah blah.

Whatever dude tell that to Scarlett Johansson. Three years 4598 letters and 8923 emails and not one single response. HA! Are we so different Scarlett? Why don't you try to learn a lesson from District 9 and simply reach out. Instead of being such a stuck up snob.


Oh God I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I've been under a ..... awww damn you Peter Jackson!


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